Religious Fangs, a novel Read online

Page 8

  “I will call you. Now hide and do not make any noise.”

  Guillem carefully approached the slope next to the stairs using some bushes to hide. Once he got to a proper position, he started searching for the thugs which he found hiding on a few bushes on the other side of the stairs.

  He took his pistol and aimed carefully at the chest of the same thug he had shot the night before, after aiming for a few seconds he fired his weapon. The thug tried to cover the blood flowing out of his chest with his hands and then fell to the floor. The other one turned toward the spot where Guillem was hiding and fired at him blindly and missed.

  When Guillem saw the blood his eyes clouded, he felt as all the accumulated hunger came rushing back and felt the same primal desires he had been trying to control. All he could think about was drinking all the blood flowing out of the thug's body. He dropped the weapon where he was hiding and jumped down toward the body, falling over it, lifted it as if it was made of paper and then bit him on the neck tearing all the flesh that separated him from his blood until he finally felt the sweet nectar that was mortal blood.

  He felt as something cold entered into his chest. The other thug was firing at him and the fire bursts from the gun made him feel even more agitated, Guillem's hunger transformed into anger and now he wanted to just kill him. He let go the body he was holding and then ran toward the thug. He was still firing at Guillem which just stirred his anger even more so he punched the boy once and again directly to his rib cage. His punches were crushing the thugs ribs with every impact. The thug kept firing his pistol and trying to defend himself, but the bullet holes in Guillem's body did not hinder him at all, these did not slow him down or even caused him any sort of pain, instead they just made his rage increase. When the thug finally fell unconscious with most of his ribs fractured, Guillem dropped himself above the body and then kept punching it again and again until finally he crushed his rib cage open.

  Once both thugs were down, Guillem relaxed and took a deep breath of the blood's smell, then he started biting and ripping the flesh from the thugs chest and gorging on the flowing blood. After there was no more blood flowing from the corpse, Guillem went back to the first corpse and continued drinking its blood. Meanwhile he instinctively channelled some of the blood to his body's bullet holes, it filled them and then transformed in arteries, flesh and skin again fixing his body.

  There he stayed lying down next to the corpses, playing in the blood and flesh still covering the floor. He was completely satisfied and finally regained his self control. There he stayed next to the corpses' remains, speechless over what he had just done, he new it was wrong, but there was no trembling, no tears, nothing. He then sat and stared at the remains, took a wood stick and started moving the remains around, playing with the flesh and other residue. He finally got up and took the thug's pistols and after confirming they were the same as his old weapon he then took the ammunition.

  Who knows, maybe he was really a monster in a mission from God, maybe this was his destiny. This desires he felt were a part of him now, maybe they had been buried under so many of the trappings of humanity and he was not a real human any more. His education told him he should be sorry for what happened, but all his body and self kept screaming that nothing bad happened, everything was fine and normal. He looked upstairs and saw Lissette, she was staring at him with tears in her eyes, as soon as their eyes crossed she ran away.

  Guillem got up, he felt stronger than ever, his skin was as tight as it was when he was alive. He ran upstairs to pick up his weapon, hid it in his overcoat and then ran toward Lissette, easily reaching and stopping her.

  “I am fine, you do have to worry. What happened? Where were you going without me?” Guillem asked her with a very cold voice tone.

  “Let me go, you are an animal.” She said crying and pushing him.

  “But, I need you.” Guillem said holding her by the shoulders. “What am I going to do without you? Where am I going to sleep? The sun is coming up soon.”

  “I do not care, let me go! I cannot care about a beast like you any more. There is something very evil inside of you, you used to be a very good person. I hope the light of the sun catches you!”

  “You want me to die?”

  “You are already dead!”

  Guillem let her go. He stayed there looking at her as she ran away and then started walking without any destination. He could not stop thinking about her words.

  After walking for a couple of hours he leaned back against a tree in a park to wait for the sun, maybe this was for the best. He closed his eyes and waited, but just a few minutes later a car approached at full speed and stopped in front of him, its brakes screeching. It was a Ford Explorer with windows only for the driver and co-driver. The co-driver window rolled down and an older guy with a huge and strong complexion yelled at him.

  “What do you think you are doing? Get on board you idiot. Sebastian is waiting for you!”

  “Who are you?”

  “I am the idiot that pulled you out of the river. I work for Sebastian. Get on board!” He demanded.

  “You are not like me, I can feel it. Why should I obey you?”

  “Do not make me come down and kick your ass, I have lived over 200 years and I am sure I can give you a run for your money at any time little princess. Get on board! The sun is almost up, you will be safe in the back.”

  Guillem got up and entered the Ford Explorer as they demanded. The back section was completely sealed and was barely illuminated with a weak light. He sat in one of the four seats available and there he waited to arrive wherever they were taking him.

  A few minutes after they departed, Sebastian appeared in the seat next to him surrounded by a black mist that dissipated quickly.

  “You have got to teach me how to do that!” Guillem said excitedly.

  “So I see you now want to learn.”

  “Some things have happened, this is no longer my world. I either embrace my new life as a vampire or just wait outside for the sun to come up and burn everything away.”

  “God has many plans for you. I have been looking over you, I know what you did to those two mortals. Nice job. But you need to learn to control yourself.”

  “Yes, I keep losing control. I must admit that I felt a lot of satisfaction out of what happened in the stairs. When I lose control it feels as if I were some huge and savage primal predator that only wanted to hunt and fuck everyone, except when I first met you that I felt a huge uncontrollable fear.”

  “You are now a predator and I can see that you are finally accepting it. What you describe is your basest instincts finally coming out. God in all of his wisdom gave us this blessing to remind us of what we are, the perfect predators, beings above every one else. But beware, sometimes unless you learn to better control yourself your new instincts will control you and slowly you will feel less human, once your humanity is lost, it is lost forever. I know it. In order to be the best predator you must strike a balance between both sides of your self, otherwise you will be no more than a hungry guard dog and I will have to put you down.”

  “I am happy to be a predator, but I do not want to damage anyone that do not deserve it. Can you teach me to control this?”

  “Yes, you will learn. We need to work in your self control. If you wish to be able to vanish from view as I just did I can teach you the most basic tricks to start with and then you can improve from there. I did not hide anywhere, but instead manipulated your mind to think I was not here. I will teach you how to defend yourself, you cannot count on your abilities all the time or you will be forever hungry and you will keep losing control over yourself. What do you think? You will move permanently into my house in Los Samanes, we have your room ready.”

  “I agree, are there more vampires like us?”

  “Yes, you will meet them over time. But I must tell you that it will not be a good experience, they will feel threatened by you and you by them just like you felt with me, your predator instincts will tr
y and take over you one more time. You will not be able to contact your family and friends from now on. I have no problem with you watching them from far away, but no more than that. Neither can you see the little girl you stayed with last day she is trouble for us.”

  Once they arrived, a young girl took him to the same room in which he woke up for the first time as a vampire and left him there. Guillem sighed and lay down on the mattress. Someone had put a bedside table and a lamp in the bedroom as well as modified the door including a knob to open it from the inside now.

  Getting used to the dark

  When he finally opened his eyes and the nightmares ended he saw a guy sitting next to him. It took him a while to put his thoughts back in order, but then he finally recognised the guy as the same big old person that was driving the Ford Explorer last night.

  “Do you finally recognise me princess? I have been here waiting for your laziness to wake up for a long time now.”

  “I do not need to wake up with this bullshit, what is your problem with me?”

  “My problem is you!. I have been waiting for over 100 years for the gift you received a couple of nights ago and there you are, wasting it. Now eat and see me outside, we have to train and we have very little time to do it.”

  “And what if I do not want to train with you.” Guillem said angrily.

  “Then I would have to come back and kick you ass across the whole house all the way to the backyard and I do not think you want your master to see you like that. Do you?” And he left the room at the same time another young lady only using underwear came in.

  “And you? What do you want?” Guillem asked the young lady.

  “To feed you sir.” She said as she knelt on the floor and extended her neck.

  He got a bit nervous, but then did as she was requesting. He knelt in front of her and bit her on the neck. He could feel the sweet flavour of her blood and how she was ecstatic with pleasure. As he kept drinking she started trembling and finally heard a sigh coming from her.

  At that point he stopped and got away from her. He noticed how flushed she was. She got up and helped him do the same.

  “Thank you master for giving me the pleasure of feeding you.” Guillem was sure that she emphasised the word 'pleasure'.

  “Thank you. Do you know how is the girl that I fed from on my first night here?”

  “Do you want to see her again?”

  “No, just want to know how is she feeling. Has she recovered?”

  “She is fine.” She said angrily, but still blushing. “I have to go.”

  “Are you ok?” But she left in a hurry.

  He started getting dressed and thinking about the intense pleasure he had when feeding. Having sex and feeding at the same time must be the best feeling of all. When he was finished he walked to the backyard.

  At the backyard the old guy was waiting for him with a long sword in each hand.

  “Hello little princess. Let's see what you have got.” He said and threw a sword at his feet.

  “But I have never used anything like this.”

  “Should I care? Are you going to tell that to anyone trying to kill you? You are now a predator, defend yourself!” And he attacked him with his sword.

  Guillem tried to defend himself as he had seen in the movies, but kept feeling as he was slashed once and again. Then he tried using his speed to dodge the attacks which allowed him to hit the guy once, but he kept being cut once and again until finally he felt as his body stopped responding and fell to the floor.

  Suddenly he was back at the river once again, he was alive, but could feel the trash hitting him, the disgusting smell, how his newly gained live was slipping away from him one more time, only this time he heard a voice.

  “Hey, princess.” Guillem opened his eyes, he was laying on the grass.

  “Hey bitch.” He said getting up. “Last time I fought two mortals they hit me many times with their gun fire, but it did not stop me at all, why did it happen this time?”

  “I saw you then, your body is able to withstand piercing damage a lot easier than slashing, that is a reality of your new state. Now cure yourself. Hey you, bring him here!” Two girls came dragging a cart with some guy laying there face down, the guy had his ears covered and was tied to the cart with chains tied to his ankles and wrists. He was trying to break free. “Feed from him, we have to continue.”

  “You have never told me your name bitch? And who is this?”

  “My name is Alejandro. Do not worry about him, it is just a vagabond we picked up stealing around here, we usually keep a few for feeding and when they are barely alive we throw them away in front of a hospital. He is not able to see or hear you. I am led to understand that his blood is not as tasty as the one from these sweet ladies, but you cannot abuse them so much or you might kill them.” He said smiling at the two blushing girls. “By the way, I hope you understand now how important it is to keep yourself well fed, if you had fell like that and were starving you would not be able to wake up by yourself.”

  “By myself? Can somebody else raise me in those cases?”

  “Older vampires might do it, but eat now.”

  Remembering the pleasure he had on his last feed, Guillem sighed and began drinking from the vagabond. As he drank, he felt how the vagabond's body tensed and he began groaning in pleasure. It was an uncomfortable thought, but he was sure he made the guy have an orgasm.

  He spent the next few nights practising swordplay with Alejandro. After training the girls would make themselves available to him for sex, so he would pick one up and enjoy the pleasure of sex and feeding simultaneously. As he expected those were the most explosive orgasms he ever had and it allowed him to practise how to infuse live in his body whenever he wished to do it. He found that four young ladies lived there and both Sebastian and himself had access to feeding from them. He managed to see the first one from which he fed, she was still very pale and was not available for feeding again at least for a while, but sex with her was one of his biggest pleasures.

  Finally after a couple of days Alejandro was waiting for him to wake up and said.

  “Hey princess. Today we are going to change our routine. This time we are going to show you some gun play, are you ready?”

  “Of course bitch. Hey, it have been a long time since the last time I saw Sebastian, where is he?”

  “The master is praying and do not want to be disturbed.”

  “Should I take my gun?”

  “No, I will give you one.”

  They went out to the backyard one more time and Alejandro gave him a small box.

  Guillem opened it. It contained what must be the oldest gun he had ever seen in his life.

  “Where did you get this relic from?”

  “It is a flintlock double pistol in perfect condition. Nice eh?”

  “Nice? Yes. In a museum, maybe I should use my weapon.”

  “Little princess, you cannot understand the beauty of that weapon. It has way more history than you will ever have, so stop complaining. Here, this is how you use it.” He said showing him how to reload it by preparing the powder and inserting the bullet and powder down the barrel. “Now let's see how you hide it in your self.”

  “Hide it?” Guillem placed it in his pocket, but it was too big. “What are you talking about? If I had my coat I could hide it under there.”

  “Sebastian told me you want to learn the basics of supernatural stealth. Hiding something like this is the most basic and useful trick you can learn, you just need to practice. There is more power in your blood than anything a magician will ever be able to do. When you master it, no one will be able to find it as long as it is hidden in your person. Now, keep trying until you manage to do it.”

  He gave Guillem a couple of hours to practice and then said.

  “Enough. Let's practice some gun play. Follow me.” Alejandro led him to a small paint ball field in the far end of the backyard with a few trees, bushes and other artificial obstacles. “Go to th
at side. Hey! Sound the bell in a minute.” He yelled to someone. “Be ready to start little princess, I am going to kick you pretty ass.”

  “But, we are just playing right? I could kill you, I have already used a gun and I was not so bad, besides you explained to me a gun does not hurt me so much.”

  “I could still destroy your hand or shoot you in the head, your brain still works, doesn't it?. Give me your best shot.” Alejandro said smiling.

  As soon as the bell rang Guillem hid between some bushes and carefully aimed and fired at Alejandro hitting him. He fired once more and noticed that Alejandro was shooting blindly because he did not know where Guillem was located. Guillem took his time to reload, aim and fire as much as he could while he had the advantage over Alejandro. By the time Alejandro found him Guillem was pretty sure he was quite hurt, it was not long before Alejandro stopped returning fire. Guillem had received a couple of shots, but he barely felt them, he commanded his blood to repair the damage done to his body as he had done before.

  “Alejandro?” Guillem yelled. “Are you ok?”

  Since there was no answer he got up and started running to the place he last saw Alejandro hiding, he had just ran a few meters when suddently in front of him appeared Sebastian, howling in anger and brandishing a wooded stake, with a quick movement he stabbed Guillem in the chest with it. As the stake ran through his heart his body became unresponsive and made him go back to the same dream of drowning.

  When Guillem opened his eyes Sebastian was standing above him with the stake on his hands and a huge hole open in Guillem's chest where the stake was before.

  “You will learn NOT to humiliate me in front of my slaves. Now you are in my solarium and I am sure you will enjoy it!”

  Guillem was lying on the floor, he tried getting up, but he was chained by his ankles and wrists to the floor, his left arm's fingers were immobilised as well.

  “YOU ARE A PREDATOR! Alejandro and everybody else is just game to you, you have to remember that!” Sebastian yelled at him.